I'm experiencing slow download speeds

Updated:June 26, 2024

FX Elements does not limit bandwidth

First of all, we're sorry if you have been experiencing slow download speeds. We at FX Elements do not limit a user's bandwidth or download speeds in any way.

This is an issue that happens to a handful of our customers each year and appears to be some sort of issue between the customer's ISP and our file-hosting company (Digital Ocean).

Unfortunately, that connection between a user's computer and the server that hosts our files is not something that we can control or improve. When you click on a download link, you're directly connected to those servers, we do not have control over that connection or the servers that host the files.

Digital Ocean hosts a large percentage of the internet as a whole and we have no way of knowing why some ISPs choose to throttle their user's connections. It could be a technical issue, or maybe it's a business decision...

Try using a VPN

When this issue has arisen in the past our customers they have reported success via the use of a VPN – to side step any ISP throttling. You might consider giving this a try.

It's a complex issue

Unfortunately, there isn't a "boost" button we can push to make a user's experience on the website faster. Bandwidth and internet connections are multifaceted and complex issues and, sadly, something that we cannot control.

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