Snow FX

Falling Snow Stock Footage

Updated:July 23, 2024

More snow! Our extensive collection of Snow VFX footage features various amounts of snow falling through the frame, great for wintery scenes.

4k UHD Snow VFX Stock Footage

All files are available in 4k UHD ProRes and 4k EXR file formats as well as RAW R3D files in up to 8k resolution.

Falling Snow - Pack 1

These clips are great for simulating snow dropping from an elevated height, for example, when a snow-covered tree is shaken or when snow falls from a roof. The ground is in the frame showing the snow landing and settling.

Buy Falling Snow - Pack 1

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Snow - Pack 2

This VFX pack features various amounts of snow falling through the frame. These clips are great to add to a wintery scene where snowfall is needed.

Buy Snow - Pack 2

snow overlay video
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Download Free Snow VFX

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We’re constantly adding new free snow footage to our free stock footage library. Stop by and download what you need!

In general, this category of practical 4k VFX footage is great for adding the following effects to your scene: Snow, snowflakes, flakes, flurry, flurries, snow particles, falling snow, snowdrops, winter weather, snowfall, snowing gently.